Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Guest Speaker Brian Forth

This has been my favorite speaker so far. Mostly because it feels very relevant to me and the goals I have. I've been having a hard time finding a short-term job in the area after I graduate, so I've decided that the next best thing would be try my luck at freelance web development. Since I started going down that route, I've been learning a bunch of technologies that I didn't know before, the most important being WordPress. I started my own website (connorlundberg.com) using WordPress, but I'm having trouble knowing where my next steps should be in really starting my freelance practice.

That's what made Brian's talk so great for me. Here's a guy that saw a need in his community and went out and made it happen. Not only that, but it was awesome to hear about the different kinds of products and services his company offers. I've been having a tough time figuring out pricing not only for my freelance service, but for my Business Plan product. I think the resources-based billing is a good idea that I will definitely look into.

I also enjoyed learning more about the culture he’s fostered within his business. While having 9 people reporting directly to him sounds like a lot to handle, I can tell he’s got it under control. And while I hate to admit it, he’s right when he says not to dismiss anyone. It goes along with a point Rob Coons made in his talk that the customers are the most important part of a business. I’ll need to bare that in mind as I move forward.

Connor Lundberg

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